Implementing cisco secure access control system v5.2
Implementing cisco secure access control system v5.2

When infected endpoints connect to the network, they unsuspectingly spread their infections to other improperly protected devices. The business lacks the capability to monitor the endpoints and determine whether they are updated to conform to the business's security policy.A contractor, partner, or guest needs network access however, the business may not control the endpoint.

Implementing cisco secure access control system v5.2 install#

A user might choose to wait and install a new update later because they don't have the time.Noncompliant endpoints are frequent and the reasons vary for example: Not all users stay up to date with the many needed software security patches of antivirus files. Worms and viruses continue to be disruptive, even though many businesses have significantly invested in antivirus and traditional security solutions. This chapter describes the Cisco NAC Framework, identifies benefits, describes the solution components and how they interoperate, and describes common deployment models. A notification is displayed to the user warning that their device is not compliant or, in the worse case, that they are denied network access entirely. For example, a noncompliant endpoint may be placed in a quarantine area of the network and redirected to a remediation server to load the necessary software or patches. If an endpoint device is determined noncompliant, a variety of admission actions are available to administrators, and how the actions are implemented is at the discretion of the network administrator.

implementing cisco secure access control system v5.2

This technology provides a framework using existing Cisco infrastructure to enforce network admission policies on NAC-enabled endpoint devices, guaranteeing software compliance before network access is granted. Their focus is the creation of solutions that limit security threats, such as worms and viruses. Network Admission Control (NAC) is a technology initiative led by Cisco Systems working in collaboration with many leading security vendors, including antivirus and desktop management. This chapter covers the following topics:

Implementing cisco secure access control system v5.2